Hoppa's Big Move

Culturatti Kids is excited to introduce you to our newest friend, Hoppa! Hoppa is just an ordinary 5-year-old or so she thinks. Kindergarten, here she comes! Follow Hoppa on her journey to find friends, acceptance and a place to call home in Hoppa's Big Move.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

West Bloomfield Plum Market to Host Children’s Book Author, Erika Roman Saint-Pierre, for the Launch of her New Book

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., February 2010 –  Author Erika Roman Saint-Pierre and Plum Market of West Bloomfield have teamed up to present the launch of Saint-Pierre’s new children’s book, “Hoppa’s Big Move,” during Spa Day on March 20, 2010, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Plum Market in the Old Orchard Plaza, 6565 Orchard Lake Rd, West Bloomfield, Mich.  Saint-Pierre will be available to sign copies of the book and proceeds from its sale will be donated to Culturatti Kids, a youth-based literary arts program.  Copies of “Hoppa’s Big Move” will be available for purchase at the West Bloomfield Plum Market or online at http://www.culturattiink.com/hoppa%27s_big_move.html.

“Hoppa’s Big Move” is about Hoppa’s first day of kindergarten where she learns that not everyone is the same and that some people may actually think she’s different, even weird.  Hoppa leads readers on a journey to find friends, acceptance, and the understanding that the differences in race, religion, and life experiences are what make true friendships.

Saint-Pierre has been writing since she was young and wrote her first novel at age 10.  She is co-author of the book, “Locked In.”  “Hoppa’s Big Move” is the first in her collection of children’s books on cultural and social diversity.

All proceeds from the sale of “Hoppa’s Big Move” go to Culturatti Kids, a youth-based literary arts program providing books and other resources to schools who will be donating $4 from each book to the West Bloomfield school district.  Between now and April 15, 2010, Culturatti Kids will also donate one copy of “Hoppa’s Big Move” for every copy purchased.  To find out more about the “Help Get Hoppa Moving” Campaign, please check out Hoppa’s Blog at http://hoppasbigmove.blogspot.com.


To request a media kit or review copy of “Hoppa’s Big Move,” schedule an author visit, and for any other questions, please contact Amy Shropshire, Marketing Director for Culturatti Kids at amy@culturattikids.org or +1 (888) 849-6070 ext. 3.

For more information about Plum Market, please contact Jennifer Martin, Director of Apothecary for Plum Market at Jenn.Martin@plummarket.com or +1 (248) 706-1600 ext. 115.