Hoppa's Big Move

Culturatti Kids is excited to introduce you to our newest friend, Hoppa! Hoppa is just an ordinary 5-year-old or so she thinks. Kindergarten, here she comes! Follow Hoppa on her journey to find friends, acceptance and a place to call home in Hoppa's Big Move.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hoppa's Fans Earn Free Books for Their Favorite School!

Which School Will Win?
Hoppa is sending out a challenge to all of her fans. We are running a contest to see which school loves literacy the most. Everyone that becomes a fan of Hoppa's Big Move on Facebook can submit a school of their choice. The school that gets the most votes will win.

The Prize
• A collection of books published by Culturatti Ink
• A new computer
• $200 donation to the school library or media center
• Visit from the author, Erika Roman Saint-Pierre
   Plus, a new surprise for the winning school to be announced April 1st.

The Deadline
April 15th.

The Scores
Visit the Hoppa's Big Move on Facebook fan page to see the up-to-date scores.

One Last Thing
For every copy of Hoppa's Big Move purchased from now through April 15th, we'll donate another copy to a child in need. How cool is that?

So, tell all your friends, your child’s teacher, everyone you can think of and let's see which school loves literacy the most!!!


  1. I vote for Doherty!

  2. yeah! Golightly School in Detroit, people are starting to vote...!!!!
